Advanced Vulnerability Discovery and AI

This module explores the intersection of vulnerability discovery and Artificial Intelligence (AI), focusing on how AI techniques can automate and enhance the identification of security vulnerabilities in software and systems. It covers the use of machine learning models to predict and locate potential security flaws, the training of AI on historical vulnerability data, and the ethical considerations of automated testing and exploitation.

Portal > Artificial Intelligence > Advanced Vulnerability Discovery and AI

Curriculum Builder

Rosenberg (2021) Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks and Defense Methods in the Cyber Security Domain

Kuppa (2019) Black Box Attacks on Deep Anomaly Detectors

Gibert Llauradó, Daniel, Carles Mateu Piñol, and Jordi Planes Cid. “The Rise of Machine Learning for Detection and Classification of Malware: Research Developments, Trends and Challenge,” 2020.

Demetrio, Luca, Battista Biggio, Giovanni Lagorio, Fabio Roli, and Alessandro Armando. “Explaining Vulnerabilities of Deep Learning to Adversarial Malware Binaries,” 2019. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1901.03583.

Erba, Alessandro, Riccardo Taormina, Stefano Galelli, Marcello Pogliani, Michele Carminati, Stefano Zanero, and Nils Ole Tippenhauer. “Constrained Concealment Attacks against Reconstruction-Based Anomaly Detectors in Industrial Control Systems,” 2020. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1907.07487.

Shirazi, Hossein, Bruhadeshwar Bezawada, Indrakshi Ray, and Charles Anderson. “Adversarial Sampling Attacks Against Phishing Detection.” In Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXIII, 83–101. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22479-0_5.

Kuleshov et al., “Adversarial Examples for Natural Language Classification Problems,” 2018.

Anderson, Hyrum S, Jonathan Woodbridge, and Bobby Filar. “DeepDGA: Adversarially-Tuned Domain Generation and Detection,” 2016. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1610.01969.

Wang et al., “With Great Training Comes Great Vulnerability: Practical Attacks against Transfer Learning,” 2018.

Chio, Clarence, and David Freeman. “Machine Learning and Security.” O’Reilly Media, 2018.